Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I will be at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art gift store 
1130 State Street  Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 963-4364

 on Saturday October 13th from 12-5pm
The items I will be presenting include:






I will also be featuring painted screens, as well as some prints of my original paintings....hope you can drop by!

Peace and Love,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thank you :)

Just wanted to post a thank you to Beth at for her really generous posts regarding my artwork...Thanks Beth!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Authentic Self...

I love painting. Where I'm lacking seems to be in the area of "sharing." The internet has been a phenomenal instrument when it comes to being seen as an artist, etc. I don't know that I've participated in the internet community on the level that many other artists do. I love people, but I'm lazy when it comes to social media. "Branding" is the big buzz word these days. Of course we all want to be successful, I just don't want to be phony in order to sell my "brand." 
If you like my work, thank you! I appreciate your support :) 
Please forgive me if I don't have a handle on the etiquette of blogging, etsy, etc. I'm working on it...

If you found me through, and are interested in purchasing a print from my etsy shop, I am offering a "buy one get one free" deal until June 1st. Contact me when making your purchase, and let me know which additional print you are interested in.

Much love,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Below is an excerpt from my first graphic novel entitled "Darkness and Divinity"

"Welcome, Oh life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race."
------------------James Joyce

"At first, there was only Divinity and Darkness. They were around for quite a long time. Actually, they were around before time existed.
Eventually, Divinity said to Darkness, “I want to make a story, and I would appreciate your help.”
Darkness said, “Ok.”
They began the story by creating many worlds and many sorts of beings. There were purple worlds, golden worlds, cold and hot worlds…the list goes on. As for the beings, there was an infinite assortment of those as well. Angels and aliens, (the same thing really) mermaids, muscle men, unicorns and starfish. Lots and lots of living, breathing beings.
The interesting thing about these worlds and beings was that they were all connected together by a sort of golden cord. This cord was also connected to the source of all things, Divinity and Darkness.

Upon finishing the creation process, Darkness asked Divinity, “Now what?”
To which Divinity responded, “Motion” and slowly, all the worlds and all the beings began to move.
“This is very well and good, and in fact somewhat fascinating, but what may I ask is the purpose?” he now asked.
“To play of course.  Haven’t you ever heard of playing?”
Well no he had never heard of “playing.” She had only made up the concept right that minute, so really how could he have known?

At this point you may wonder, “What did they play?” and the answer is somewhat complicated and confusing. It seems the worlds and beings made up games with odd ideas and notions, and they would play various roles in their story making games.
They devised such notions as; good and evil, weak and strong, happy and sad, rich and poor…playful games of drama.
But ultimately they knew it was only a game. They were completely aware that they weren’t separate at all. They knew they were connected to each other by the golden cord which was also connected to their source; Divinity and Darkness..."

Susan Brown

Monday, April 30, 2012


It's true...I'm not much of a blogger. I have to be ok with that :)

I've been writing some short stories regarding spirituality, life and death stuff. These will be illustrated and I'm very excited about them! The first book/story is called "Darkness and Divinity." I've already finished it and am  working on the 2nd book, "Argolis and the Death Stone." Don't let the titles scare you :)
In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these new prints which are available in my shop.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tracy Porter

Back in 1994, the year I first decided to start a business with decorative painted furniture, etc. I went into the LA Mart and brought my portfolio where I showed pictures of some of the pieces I had painted. I stopped into the showroom for Corsican furniture where I met Lenore, who was the head of sales at the time. She really liked my stuff and so they started buying furniture from me on a weekly basis. Fast forward a bit, I stopped into a showroom for smaller gift items where I presented some of my little hand painted gift items. I believe the name of the showroom was Firestone. Anyhow, the guy asked me if I had heard of Tracy Porter. I had not. Well it seems she had just launched her line of hand painted ceramics and he told me how successful she was and at her first trade show she had sold $50k worth of product, etc. He then asked me if I was prepared to handle that kind of volume were he to get orders at that level. I was baffled and couldn't commit to that much work...sometimes I regret my decision especially when I see how successful Tracy Porter and company has been.
The last few years I have stopped by her blog and come to really enjoy Tracy as not only a creative talent, but a truly inspiring gifted human being. She's such a pleasant good natured soul...
So, one day while visiting her blog I was inspired by a photo she took of some chickens and I painted this...hope you enjoy :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I've spent most of the day trying to figure out how to import this blog (which I haven't posted on in forever!) to facebook. I think I finally got it.
I am working on some really beautiful paintings, totes, pillows, furniture, etc. and I will be making them available soon.
In the meanwhile, here are some photos of a gorgeous home from a very lovely customer of mine. I'm so pleased to have my art gracing her walls. In fact, she owns MANY of my paintings. I feel fortunate to be doing what I love and it's awesome when someone loves my work as well!